MOVEFLO Foam Roller | L90cm x D15cm | Green and Blue Camo Colour | Multipurpose | Pilates | Pelvic Strength | Back Pain | Shoulder Release | Improve Posture | Massage and fascial Release.

MOVEFLO Foam Roller | L90cm x D15cm | Green and Blue Camo Colour | Multipurpose | Pilates | Pelvic Strength | Back Pain | Shoulder Release | Improve Posture | Massage and fascial Release.


About this item

  • This extra-long comfortable foam roller along with your included downloadable class will support you and guide you to achieve your health and fitness goals
  • We will teach you how to use this amazing piece of home equipment to improve your posture, strengthen core, increase balance and flexibility, improve pelvic floor, rehabilitate lower extremities, giving you stronger feet improved knee alignment and balanced hips
  • Portable and lightweight, our firm foam roller for a whole body work out is easy to transport to the gym and simple to stow away for convenient home storage
  • Crafted for optimum performance, at L90cm x D15cm, our versatile back roller is significantly longer than standard rollers to easily facilitate a full body workout and can be used as a muscle massage
  • These foam rollers come with a bonus Pilates Class, which will ensure that you get the most out of this piece of equipment . You will learn how the whole body can change, so that you will move like never before. The overall impact on your health from moving mindfully on a regular basis is so impactful to your mind and body in a way you will have never imagined

Product description

The full body foam roller exercise partner for all your exercise and rehabilitation needs. Do you need to strengthen your core, improve your posture, have good functioning pelvic floor, relieve back pain, improve balance, improve flexibility, bring balance to your workouts? There are many people suffering from physical ailments and bad posture, movement with our equipment and class guidance you can really make a difference in a short time. We believe in giving you the tools and exercises that can enable you to take control of your health and fitness and really make a difference to your everyday life. Whether you are looking to relieve pain and rehabilitate, or train for an event or sport, our equipment and your commitment can really get you there. Prevention is the key. Equipment and classes give you the know-how so you can quickly and easily manage yourself, relieve pain and restore your quality of life! We want to empower you, so you know how to make change happen. MOVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

Brand: Moveflo
Origin: China