STX Unisex Youth Rx 101 Hockey Stick

STX Unisex Youth Rx 101 Hockey Stick

STX Unisex Youth Rx 101 Hockey Stick

  • Great field hockey stick for players just learning the game
  • Low bow (250mm) and thin toe to maximize both versatility and 3D skills
  • 10% carbon for the beginner player
  • Added carbon makes stick slightly stiffer for more power
  • Primarily made with fibgerglass making it forgiving for learning skills

The RX 101 field hockey stick is made for the recreational player or an older beginner player. It’s made using 10% carbon and the rest fiberglass for a little extra stiffness compared to a 50 level stick. Available in multiple sizes.

Size: 34"
Dimensions: 88 x 12 x 3.5 cm; 520 Grams
Brand: STX
Model: FH 966 MX/34 UK
Colour: Blue
Manufacture: STX
Department: Unisex-Youth
Department: Unisex-Youth
Size: 34"