KEEN Women's Targhee Ii Mid Trekking and Hiking Boots

KEEN Women's Targhee Ii Mid Trekking and Hiking Boots
- WATERPROOF: The KEEN.DRY waterproof membrane keeps your feet dry and comfortable all day long by allowing vapor out without letting water in; All leather is treated with a PFC-free water repellant, so you still get the same protection without the chemicals
- TRACTION: KEEN ALL-TERRAIN rubber outsole provides high-traction grip in muddy environments and on rocky surfaces; Non-marking rubber outsoles leaves no trace or imprints when walking indoors
- Outer Material: Leather
- Inner Material: Synthetic
- Sole: Rubber
- Closure: Lace
- Heel Height: 0.5 inches
- Heel Type: No Heel
- Material Composition: Leather
- Shoe Width: Medium
- SUPPORT: The Torsion stability External Support Shank (ESS) and mid-cut height adds ankle support and balance on uneven surfaces; Low-profile upper for comfort and secure fit with padded tongue and collar; The contoured heel provides next-level stability
- FIT and COMFORT: The Metatomical Footbed Design provides excellent arch support and cradles to the natural contours of the foot; This style is running a 1/2 size small; We suggest ordering a 1/2 size larger than your usual size
- CARE TIPS: We've carefully selected leather uppers designed to last; However, if you're wearing your KEENs daily, they won't always be scuff and dirt-free; To treat day to day wear and tear we recommend using a co mmon leather cleaner and conditioner
Allwielactiviteit op je voeten. Deze waterproof convertible shoes houdt je voeten droog en laat ze ademen terwijl de agressieve buitenzool op het terrein voet past. Hij is ontworpen for comfort de hele dag en de middelhoge schacht biedt ondersteuning aan de enkel. The waterproof Targhee 2 weegt 402.6 g (per laarzen), is made from robuust, waterproof and zout-resistant empty, coated over a vochtafvoerende voering en is ontworpen op base van de traditionele bredere schoenvorm van Ken. Producten van KEEN have been conscious with behulp van een natuurlijke, pesticidevrije technology op probiotic base genaamd eco anti-odour, the geur in zweet ontleent, PFC-vrije impregnermiddelen (bij bijbehorende models) van leer dat afkomstig is van LWG certified. Eearde (leather earth) Working Group) looierijen. Keen maakt beautiful om iets te move. Van de producten die wij produceren tot de nodige stappen inspireert Keen mensen om elke dag monumental te leven en te werken. Keen is een merk dat voor het leven buitenshuis is born en draagt een verantwoordelijkheid voor de bescherming en bescherming van de plaatsen waar alle mensen leven, spelen en werken.
4×4 performance on your feet. This waterproof hiking boot keeps your feet dry and allows them to breathe while the aggressive outsole grips foot off-road. It has been designed for all-day comfort and the mid-rise shaft provides support at the ankle. The Targhee 2 waterproof hiking boot weighs 15 ounces (each boot), is made from durable, waterproof and salt resistant leather, features a moisture wicking lining and has been designed using KEEN’s traditional wider shoe shape. KEEN products are deliberately made using a natural, pesticide-free probiotic based technology called Eco Anti-Odor, which decomposes the smell into sweat, PFC-free impregnating agents (for appropriate models) and leather sourced from LWG-certified (Leather Working Group) tanneries. KEEN makes shoes to move something. From the products we manufacture to the necessary steps, KEEN inspires people to live and work monumentally every day. KEEN is a brand born for outdoor life and carries a responsibility for protecting and preserving the places where all people live, play and work.
Ayaklarınızda dört tekerlek performansı. Bu su geçirmez yürüyüş çizmesi ayaklarınızı kuru tutar ve nefes almasını saşlar, agresif dış taban arazide ayaş tutar. Tüm gün konfor için geliştirilmiştir ve orta yükseklikte şaft ayak bileşine destek saşlar. Su geçirmez yürüyüş çizmesi Targhee 2 402.6 g aşırlııındadır (çizme başına), saşlam, su geçirmez ve tuza dayanıklı deriden üretilmiştir, nemi dışarı atan bir astara Sahiptir Sahiptir ve Keen geleneksel geniş ayakkabı şekli sayesinde tasarlanmıştır. Keen ürünleri bilinçli olarak doşal tarım ilaçsız teknoloji kullanılarak Eco Anti-Odor adı verilen probiotik temelde ve kokuya ter karışır, PFC içermeyen emprenye maddeleri (ilgili modelellerde) ve LWG sertifikalıLeather Working Gro (Leather Working Group) tobacco lardan gels deriden uretilir. Keen bir şeyler hareket ettirmek için ayakkabı yapar. Ürettişimiz ürünlerden gerekli adımlara kadar, Keen, insanlara her gün anımsatırlar ve çalışmalar için ilham vermiştir. Keen, açık havada yaşam için doşan bir markadır ve tüm insanların yaşadııı, oyun oynamak, çalışmak, korumak ve korumak için sorumluluşu taşır.
Výkon všech kol na vašich nohách. Toto vodotěsné turistické boty udrží vaše nohy v suchu a nechají je dýchat, zatímco agresivní vnější podrážka v terénu. Byla vyvinuta pro celodenní comfort a stùedně vysoký hole- nabízí podporu kotníku. Nepromokavé turistické boty Targhee 2 váží 402.6 g (každé kozačka), bylo vyrobeno z robustní, vodotěsné kùže odolné vùči soli, má podšívku odvádějícícíca. vlhí vlhKost a bylo navrženo podle tradičního širšího tvaru bot od KEEN . Výrobky od KEEN jsou vědomě vyráběny pomocí pùirozené technology bez pesticidò na probiotickém základu named Eco Anti-Odor, která rozpouští zápach v pot, Impregnační prostùedky bez Pc. FC (pùíí FC slušných modelù) a z kùže, která pochází z kùže certifikovaného LWG (Leather Working Group). Bota vám zajistí něco pohybu. Od product, které vyráběme, až po potùebné kroky, inspiruje lidi k tomu, aby každý den žili a pracovali monumentálně. KEEN je značka, která se narodila do života venku a nese odpovědnost za ochranu a zachování míst, na kterých žijí všichni lidé, hrají a pracují, na něm a zachovává.
Moc na wszystkich kołach na stopach. Te wodoodporne buty trekkingowe utrzymujù stopy search i pozwalajù oddychać, a agresywna podeszwa zewnętrzna trzyma stopy w terenie. Zostaş zaprojektowany z myčlù o komforcie przez caşy dzieù, a čredniej wysokočci cholewka zapewnia wsparcie dla kostek. Wodoodporne buty trekkingowe Targhee 2 waşù 402.6 g (na buty), zostaşy wykonane z wytrzymaşej, wodoodpornej i odpornej na dziaùanie soli skóry, majù wyčcióşkę odprowadzajùcjčcę wilgoččù wilgoi zostaşy zaprojektowane na podstawie tradycyjnego, szerokiego ksztaştu butów KEEN. Produkty KEEN sù čwiadomie produkowane przy uşyciu naturalnej, wolnej od pestycydów technologii probiotycznej o nazwie Eco Anti-Odor, która rozkłada zapach potu, črodków impregnujčcych niezawierajùcych PFC (w odpopoFC FC wiednich modelach) i skóry pozyskiwanej z garbarni certyfikowanych przez LWG (Leather Working Group). KEEN robi buty, aby coč się poruszač. Poczùwszy od produktów, które produkujemy, aş po konieczne kroki, KEEN inspiruje ludzi do życia i pracy w monumentalny sposób. KEEN to marka, która zostaşa urodzona dla życia na čwieşym powietrzu i ponosi odpowiedzialnočć za ochronę i zachowanie miejsc, w których wszyscy ludzie żyjù, bawiù się i pracujù.
4-wheel performance on your feet. This waterproof hiking boot keeps your feet dry and allows them to breathe while the aggressive outsole grips the foot. It is designed for all-day comfort and the mid-height shaft provides ankle support. The Targhee 2 waterproof hiking boot weighs 402.6 g (per boot) is made from durable, waterproof and salt resistant leather, features a moisture-wicking lining and is designed using the traditional wider shoe shape of KEEN. KEEN products are deliberately manufactured using a natural, probiotic pesticide-free technology called Eco Anti-Odor, which decomposes the odour into sweat, PFC-free impregnants (for appropriate models) and leather that comes from LWG-certified (Leather Working Group) tanneries. Keen makes shoes to move something. From the products we make to the steps you need, Keen inspires people to live and work monumentally every day. Keen is a brand born for outdoor life and carries a responsibility to protect and preserve the places where everyone live, play and work.
SKU: | B01H8G9TQ4 |
Dimensions: | 34.3 x 23.4 x 14 cm; 439.98 Grams |
Model: | 1016581 |
Manufacture: | Keen |
Composition: | Leather |
Department: | Women's |
Department: | Women's |
From the brand