SunFounder Elite Explorer Kit with Original Arduino Uno R4 WiFi, Bluetooth IoT

SunFounder Elite Explorer Kit with Original Arduino Uno R4 WiFi

SunFounder Elite Explorer Kit with Original Arduino Uno R4 WiFi, Bluetooth IoT ESP32 IIC LCD1602 Servo MPU6050 Stepper Motor, Starter Kit, Online Tutorials & Video Courses for Beginners & Engineers

  • Comprehensive Learning Kit: The SunFounder Elite Explorer Kit is an extensive learning package equipped with a variety of electronic components and sensors, ideal for students, educators, and electronics enthusiasts. This kit comes with a wealth of resources, including detailed tutorials, expert-led video courses and project guides, designed to offer a progressive learning journey from basic to advanced levels
  • Advanced Arduino Uno R4 WiFi Board: Included in the kit is the advanced Arduino Uno R4 WiFi board, featuring a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 microcontroller, expanded memory, USB-C connectivity, and built-in WiFi/Bluetooth capabilities. This board provides enhanced processing power and wireless connectivity for a wide range of creative projects.
  • Fusion of Creativity and Hands-on Learning: The kit encourages learning and creation through hands-on practice. Whether building automated devices, exploring IoT projects, or engaging in programming exercises, it offers the necessary tools and resources to spark users' creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Suitable for All Skill Levels: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this kit caters to users across various skill levels. Beginners can quickly get started with basic projects, while advanced users can leverage the kit's sophisticated features and components for complex project development.
  • Community Support and Resource Sharing: Being part of the global Arduino community grants access to an extensive resource library, where users can share projects, gain inspiration, and exchange technical knowledge with makers and developers worldwide. Community support and resource sharing are invaluable for learning and enhancing skills.

Product Description



Curriculum Online Tutorials, Video Courses
Curriculum Numbers C++: 58
Curriculum Link
Recommended Age for Kit Use Beginners & Engineers & Educators
Microcontroller Board Original Arduino Uno R4 WiFi (Included)
IoT Platform Arduino IoT Cloud, IFTTT, MQTT, CherryLight, Openweather, LightBlue
Number of Components 300+
Basic Components Breadboard, Resistor, Transistor, Capacitor, Diode, Jumper Wires
Displays LED, RGB LED, WS2812 RGB 8 LEDs Strip, 7-segment Display, I2C LCD1602, OLED Display Module
Sounds Active Buzzer, Passive Buzzer, Speaker
Acuators DC Water Pump, DC Motor, Stepper Motor, Servo
Sensors Button, Potentiometer, Joystick Module, Keypad, Infrared Receiver, MPR121, Ultrasonic Module, Soil Moisture Module, Photoresistor, Thermistor, Tilt Switch, PIR Motion Sensor Module, Humiture Sensor Module, MFRC522 Module, GY-87 IMU module